Powerful storytelling grounded in understanding problems and revealing business value

Discovery āž¤ Value āž¤ Story.

Choose the strategic discovery route wiselyā€” it shapes the success of the company

Effective discovery methods reveal what users require, shaping valuable solutions and providing actionable blueprints for informed decision-making, driving superior project outcomes.


DaaS (Discovery-as-a-Service)

Everything else is offered as a service, why not complex problem-solving?

DaaS is an established approach designed to guide organizations through the intricacies of value creation and capture. It addresses the most significant and complex challenges that demand deep thought and collaborative iteration.

DaaS answers questions like: How do we articulate our vision and position ourselves as a category leader? How do we introduce a new feature or business line? How do we elevate our entire customer value ecosystem?

With a history of successful deployments across diverse industries, DaaS employs a structured and strategic framework that merges strategic planning with design thinking to enhance the development of value propositions. This is achieved by fostering empathy engineering to develop innovative, human-centric solutions. DaaS incorporates the application of behavioral psychology and emotional intelligence in both framing and communicating value.

Our expertise lies in our methodology; our service is delivered through our workshops.


DaaS / The methodology

Many businesses fail by creating solutions in search of problems; we've reverse-engineered a method to pinpoint genuine unmet needs through tactical sessions, streamlining the journey to a compelling CVP (customer value proposition) that aligns with product innovation, all encapsulated in a well-told story.

DaaS / The workshop

A company's success hinges on customer perception of its value. People don't just perceive products at face value; they perceive products based on their own needs, desires, and emotions. Storytelling is the link that connects product innovation with customer-perceived value, shaping meaningful experiences.